Facilities Use Policy for Events and Conferences
Effective Date: October 11, 2024
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) provides educational services and facilities to support its academic mission and enhance student life on campus. As a public institution, the University also aims to be accessible to both the NJIT community and the surrounding community at–large.
When university facilities are not in use by members of the NJIT community, a selection of designated spaces may be available for use by individuals or non-university organizations and community groups with appropriate facility use and support service charges. To the extent that space is available, the University encourages organizations and groups to utilize spaces for purposes compatible with the University’s outreach initiatives and strategic goals.
The purpose of this policy is to provide an understanding of and arrangements for facilities use by internal and external/non-university affiliated constituencies. It is important to note that University facilities may be reserved for use only when such proposed use does not conflict with scheduled academic/curricular or other standing events on campus.
This policy will be interpreted and upheld by the Department of Strategic Events and Conference Services in consultation with the vice president for communications and marketing.
Use of campus facilities and spaces for events will be reviewed, approved, and scheduled according to the following order, significance, and priorities:
1. Instructional/Academic Classes and Programs
2. Research Programs
3. Student-Athlete Programs
4. Recognized Student Organizations
5. University/Department Sponsored Events
6. University Partnered/Co-Sponsored Events
7. Non-University Affiliated/External Groups
All facility use requests for events must fall under the following general categories: mission-critical, university-sponsored/co-sponsored, or external facility rental events.
Furthermore, the University recognizes and defines events in the following categories:
- Instructional/Academic Classes, Research Programs, Student-Athlete Activity, and Department Sponsored Events:
Definition: An event or program where the facility is reserved by a staff or faculty member, program content or activity is specific to the University, and all expenditures and revenue related to the event are managed through an approved university budget account. There is no fee charged for the use of space in this instance.
Host responsibilities: Generate program/content that aligns with educational mission and university strategic initiatives, monetary commitment for expenditures and resources, and all event planning, including scheduling internal support services (e.g. facilities building services, media services, public safety, parking and transportation, etc.)
- Recognized Student Organization/Club Events:
Definition: An event or program where the requesting organization or club is formally recognized, endorsed, and receives oversight by the Division of the Dean of Students and the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership. All events or activity must be approved in advance by a staff member in the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership. There is no fee charged for the use of space.
Host responsibilities: Event planning, including scheduling support services, monetary commitment, and aligns with guidelines set forth by the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership (http://f8d5.corporatefilmfest.com/studentlife/).
- Partnered/Co-Sponsored Events:
Definition: An event or program where the facility is reserved by a staff/faculty member, the event aligns with the mission and strategic initiatives of the University, and the event has been approved by the president, provost, President’s Cabinet member or dean. Attending participants and guests include the NJIT community members and non-university affiliated guests/participants.
Host responsibilities: Event content, program, and audience must be approved by the University’s president, provost, division vice president, or dean. The external client or University host is responsible for expenses charged for NJIT space and the usage of internal event support resources. For events that bring critical educational or governmental entities to campus, a waiver of the space fee (exclusive of costs for event support services) may be formally requested in writing via the Space Fee Waiver/Discount Request Form, which will be reviewed by the Vice President for Communication and Marketing.
Regarding legal requirements, partner/external organizations are required to sign a Facilities Use License Agreement provided by the Department of Strategic Events and Conference Services and provide a certificate of insurance as required per NJIT Risk Management policy.
The university host department must take the lead in scheduling facilities and event support services, and provide on-site representation during event set-up time periods, the day of the event, and event break-down arrangements. Moreover, the university host is responsible for hospitality and logistics planning. The Department of Strategic Events and Conference Services is available to provide guidance or consultation.
Additionally, any NJIT event or program that is partially funded or underwritten by a non-university affiliated group may be considered a joint venture and may require review and approval by the State Ethics Commission. Any University internal host proposing a joint venture must submit a Jointly Sponsored Event/Activity Application via the NJIT Ethics Liaison Officer. (http://www5.corporatefilmfest.com/ethics/forms/)
- Non-University Affiliated/External Events:
Definition: An event, program, or activity where an external organization or individual is a non-university affiliated entity and is requesting to rent/lease facilities or space for non-University-related business.
Host responsibilities: Must direct all facility and space reservation requests to the University’s Department of Strategic Events and Conference Services for coordination, fee structure, and insurance requirements. All expenditures and internal event support service fees are assumed by the external host upon the execution of a Facilities Use License Agreement. All event facility logistics are managed by the Department of Strategic Events and Conference Services in coordination with Public Safety, Media Technology Services, Risk Management, and the Office of General Counsel, as applicable.
Internal Use of Facilities:
University departments and recognized student organizations may reserve space by using the scheduling software, CollegeNet 25live, in designated buildings and areas for events by following procedures outlined by the Department of Strategic Events and Conference Services. University departments and recognized student organizations are not charged for the use of space/area; however, charges and/or fees may be incurred for support services such as media technology, facility building services, and public safety, which are additional to that which is ordinarily available during regular business hours. Damage fees may apply in instances where equipment and/or furnishings need repair or replacement after an event.
Requested event catering orders will be charged at rates according to the University’s on-site food service vendor, Dine On Campus at New Jersey Institute of Technology || Catering Brochure, which maintains first right of refusal status on campus.
External Use of Facilities:
Provided that requested space does not interfere with activities of the institution, non-university affiliated external groups or individuals may use university facilities and spaces when approval is granted within the guidelines of this policy. The use of facilities by non-university affiliated groups, such as organized civic, cultural, industrial, public and private schools, service organizations, and university groups with membership not restricted to NJIT students, faculty, and staff, may be authorized provided adherence to the following:
- University use of all facilities shall have preemptive priority over other groups. The University reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or alter arrangements for any event, if necessary.
- Requests for facilities beyond the scheduled business hours and on university holidays will be considered within the University's capacity to support and service the specific event and additional facility and personnel charges that will be necessary. The University will make every effort to reschedule events that are canceled due to unforeseen conditions; however, any losses or expenses incurred due to such cancelations are the responsibility of the organization renting/leasing or occupying the space.
- A rental fee for the use of facilities will be provided by the University according to the schedule of charges and/or rates with the exception that State or Federal agencies are not charged rental fees for space or areas on campus.
- The non-university affiliated/external group or individual agrees to take precautions to assure the physical safety of participants and University property and to release the University from any liability or responsibility in conjunction with the use of the facility. A damage deposit may also be required.
- The University’s risk management department and, in some cases, the Office of General Counsel must review all license agreements to assess risk/safety issues and determine appropriate insurance requirements. Final agreements may be modified or amended only by a written agreement signed by the parties. Any modifications to documents already reviewed by risk management and legal affairs must be submitted for further review to these departments prior to submission to potential users.
- NJIT shall have no responsibility, obligation, or liability of any type or nature concerning the event, other than making available the facility on the date and time noted in the facility license agreement.
- NJIT shall have no responsibility for any liability, claims, or damages for the use of the facility. User shall be solely responsible for and shall protect, indemnify, and hold NJIT and its employees and agents harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, loss, damage, cost, or expense (including reasonable attorney fees) arising from, relating to, or caused by the event, including but not limited to any bodily harm or property damage sustained by any individual or by NJIT, including theft or damage to any part of the facility, or any other claims, demands, damages or liabilities of any type or nature.
- Users shall secure appropriate insurance coverage for the event and as outlined in the facility license agreement and in Appendix A.
- No modifications to NJIT facilities without permission. In the use of the theater facility, plans for the construction of any/all sets for use on the stage must be reviewed in advance and prior to commencement of construction. any construction of sets for use on the stage must be reviewed prior
- The serving of alcoholic beverages must comply with the University Policy on Alcohol. If food or alcoholic beverages are to be dispensed, users are required to secure all required permits for such dispensing, obtain appropriate insurance and indemnify NJIT, and make the University an additional insured on appropriate insurance policies. Such insurance requirements will be approved in advance of the event by NJIT Risk Management.
- The use of facilities is limited to those activities that do not conflict with the general aims and purposes of the University and do not violate University regulations or local, state, or federal laws (e.g. health and safety standards, use of alcoholic beverages).
- The event or activity is suited to the campus facilities available.
- Approval to use facilities does not necessarily imply approval of the aims and purposes of either the sponsoring organization or the event being planned.
- Any use of the name of the University, other than to indicate the location of the event, must be approved in advance by the Office of Communications and Marketing and/or the Office of Strategic Events and Conference Services.
- Smoking is not permitted in any University facility, including entryways, vestibules, terraces, or campus greens.
- NJIT has an exclusive vendor contract for food services with limited exceptions. No food or drink may be brought into any meeting areas without the written approval of university personnel arranging the event. All catering provided by vendors not affiliated with NJIT must comply with appropriate health food preparation and handling regulations. Additional charges for waste removal may be incurred.
- The use of facilities where minors are participants requires adult supervision. The University reserves the right to terminate an event if sufficient adult supervision is not present. Refer to Minors on Campus Policy additional information.
- Fees are set by the University and based on the judicious use of facilities. Damages caused by non-university affiliated groups result in an additional charge being levied on that group.
- Fees and rates will be set based on the type of organization renting/leasing or using the facility.
Rate categories include:
- for-profit organizations
- non-profit organizations
- community partner organizations/government agencies
- External or non-university affiliated groups that represent they are not-for-profit must provide proof of status before an event is scheduled and prior to full execution of the facility license agreement.
- The University will not provide space and/or areas for political or partisan activities and will not endorse (either officially or as a matter of fact), provide a discount to, pay for, or afford unequal time and/or space to partisan activities, including but not limited to political ideologies, candidates, or platforms.
- The University may refuse the use of its facilities to non-university affiliated groups that otherwise would be eligible, where the proposed activity would require an unreasonable amount of university supervision or service, or where there is a question concerning the safety of the participants or of university property.
External Fees:
Organizations or Individuals using space/facilities may be required to pay a deposit to confirm an event. Refunds of deposits are determined by the date of and reason for the cancellation.
Facility fees are determined by the space used and the duration of the event. External groups are responsible for compensating the University for the appropriate staff costs necessary for their event. This could include management, technical, custodial, security, and/or custodial personnel. The University shall determine the number and type of personnel necessary to support a requested event. It is the responsibility of the requesting organization/individual to identify the needs and requirements of their event. External groups/individuals that do not identify event requirements may be charged for additional personnel not included in the confirmation agreement if additional personnel are determined by the University to be necessary. The charge for all personnel is established by the applicable collective bargaining agreement in force at the time of the event, including overtime costs whenever applicable. In addition, the administrative costs of arranging and scheduling appropriate personnel may be included.
Facility users wishing to use their own technical/audiovisual equipment or other event related items must request and receive approval in writing from the University in advance of the event.
A certificate of insurance confirming the amount of coverage and naming New Jersey Institute of Technology as additionally insured must be submitted prior to the event. Additional insurance coverage for property damage or product liability may be required depending on the type and content of the event. All external users are required to indemnify and hold the University, Board of Trustees, employees, and volunteers harmless for any damages whatsoever arising from the user's activities conducted in the University facilities.
The University reserves the absolute right to refuse, cancel, or terminate any internal or external event held on university premises due to safety concerns and code regulations, building or space infrastructure concerns, crow control or serving as a public nuisance, or any other circumstances identified by university executives or the NJIT Department of Public Safety.
For questions or clarification about this Facilities Use Policy for Events, contact the Department of Strategic Events and Conference Services located in the Campus Center.
Appendix A: Insurance
A. Insurance: During the term of this Event, the Licensee shall procure and carry, at its own expense, the following minimum insurances. The foregoing statement of insurance requirements shall in no way relieve or limit the Licensee of its obligation to defend, indemnify, and save harmless NJIT. The limits of insurance required by this Agreement and carried by LICENSEE shall not limit the liability of LICENSEE nor relieve LICENSEE of any obligation hereunder.
- Commercial General Liability: No less than $1,000,000 (one million dollars) per occurrence and $2,000,000 (two million dollars) aggregate per year. Such insurance shall include institutional sexual molestation and physical abuse (broad form for sexual, physical, and mental abuse and corporal punishment) coverage; If supplying alcohol, the General Liability should include host liquor.
- Worker’s Compensation and Employers’ Liability: at applicable statutory limits and Employers’ Liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000 (one million dollars) per accident.
- Commercial Automobile Liability: If any owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles are being used during this Agreement by the Licensee, then the Licensee shall carry and maintain commercial automobile liability coverage of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident basis.
- Umbrella/Excess Liability: $2,000,000 (including GL, Auto, and WC in the underlying schedule) on the following form.
- All-Risk Property Insurance Coverage (if applicable): sufficient to cover the full value of property, equipment, and tools stored or used by LICENSEE and others at the Space during this Agreement. The Licensee’s property, tools, and equipment are the Licensee’s responsibility to insure. Such property insurance to be maintained by LICENSEE shall also cover any damages to property of others while such property or facility is being used by or is in the care, custody, or control of LICENSEE during the EVENT.
B. Additional Compliance Requirements: NJIT, its trustees, overseers, officers, subsidiaries, and employees, and agents shall all be named as additional insured for all policies on a primary and noncontributory basis with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the additional insured (except for Workers Compensation). The additional insured, primary and noncontributory, and waiver of subrogation wording must all be shown on the certificate of insurance. Licensee shall not commence the Services or Event until NJIT has been provided with a certificate of insurance evidencing all required insurances and certificate of insurance has been approved.
C. Sub-Licensee/Subcontractors: In the event of or if the Licensee needs to engage a Sub-Licensee or Subcontractor, the Licensee shall assure that all Sub-Licensee or Subcontractors secure, maintain, and adhere to the above listed insurance requirements as outlined for the Licensee. NJIT its trustees, overseers, officers, subsidiaries, employees, and agents shall be included as additional insureds on Sub-Licensees’/Subcontractors’ policies, and that certificates of insurance are submitted and maintained on a timely basis.
D. Evidence of Coverage: Evidence of coverage in items will be documented to NJIT by the transmission of a Certificate of Insurance. Athletic events and activities may require higher insurance limits or additional insurance coverage. Final approval of facility use cannot be granted until the insurance certificate is received and approved by the University. The University's Risk Management Department will determine the insurance needed for the event. Coverage and limits can be amended at any time by NJIT throughout this Agreement. insurance. LICENSEE shall be solely responsible for any deductibles it carries on such policies.